Hip & KNee

A Word on Hip and Knee Pain

The Bad News

  • One in four people will develop symptoms of hip osteoarthritis by the age of 85 according to arthritis.org.
  • One in two people will develop symptoms of knee osteoarthritis in their lives according to arthritis.org. 
  • Patellofemoral pain often affects adolescents and young to middle aged adults, which can be exacerbated by siting for prolonged time periods. 
  • There exist certain risk factors (such as female gender, landing position when jumping, and participation in certain sports) that make someone more susceptible to an ACL and/or meniscus injury.

The Good News

  • Physical therapy, using manual joint mobilizations, soft tissue massage, exercise, and balance can significantly reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis, giving you more functional ability.
  • If there is a necessity for surgery, we can provide a pre-surgical plan to obtain better outcomes and success after surgery.  
  • Research has given us tools to educate and prevent from certain sport related injuries from occurring. If an injury has already occurred, there are incredible treatment options to rehab and return to your desired sport or activity.
football, soccer, players

Some Tips To Prevent Hip and Knee Pain

  •  Maximize your gluteus maximus!  Your core, hip, and buttock muscles play a huge role in the proper function and alignment of your hips and knees during every day activities.  Are yours doing their job correctly?  If you are not sure, then schedule an appointment with us today!
  • Posture is key!  If you want some quick tips about good posture check out this Blog Link().  One key aspect to reducing pain in your hip and knee is ensuring that your joints remain in a “neutral position” whenever possible. 
  • Motion is Lotion!  Your hips and knees require movement for maximal circulation of nutrients into the joint/tissue and waste products out of the joint/tissue.  That means if you have a job or daily activity that does not require a lot of movement you are going to need to make extra time in your day to get up and move in order to keep your hips and knees healthy and strong!
  •  Watch your mechanics!  Maintaining correct hip hinging techniques during squatting, sit to stand, and lifting is crucial to healthy joints and muscles.  Muscles and joints are more likely to be injured when they are out of a proper position and not in an optimal length tension relationship (more on this in the video below).

Examples of Knee and Hip Pain We Treat

  • Muscle Strain/Contusion
  • Joint Arthritis
  • Ligament Injury
  • Meniscus Injury
  • Patellofemoral Pain
  • Osgood-Schlatter Disease
  • Post Surgical Procedure
  • IT Band Syndrome(Iliotibial Band)
  • Joint hypomobility (lack of joint movement)
  • Joint hypermobility (to much movement)
  • Hip acetabular impingement
  • Piriformis syndrome
  • Core/Hip Weakness
  • Difficulty with walking

Video Tips on Hip and Knee Pain

How to Take Action

Call us today and speak directly to a Physical Therapist who can help answer your questions and setup your first appointment.

Try our FREE and SIMPLE self assessment tool to find out if physical therapy could help you Move from Pain to Freedom! 

Download the 5 quintessential factors for SUCCESS in every physical therapy program.

Receive updates on FREE health tips and new Blog & Video posts!  We hope these topics will help you learn more about your body’s design and how to keep it healthy and pain free!

Every day you let pain gnaw away, is one more day you let pain weave it’s way into your narrative.    

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